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Image Credit: 4mix 4mix is a proud LGBTQ bandĤmix was formed by Khaosan Entertainment and consists of four members: Mcka Natphatra, Folksong Chaninthorn, George Ramet, and Ninja Jarukit, who is openly gay. Get to learn more about this rookie band with these four interesting facts. They’re known for their high-octane performance and charisma, which are a feast for the eyes and the ears. We currently have our eyes on 4mix, the talk-of-the-town band that brings a great deal of excitement and novelty to the Thai music industry and is a new sensation in the Latin world. Although Thai-pop music has been around for quite a big while, it’s the new generation of T-pop bands that are gradually drawing international attention for their styles and talents. It’s longer just K-pop groups who are making waves on a global entertainment stage. Are you familiar with Thai-pop music? Here are some fun facts to learn more about 4mix, the trendy Thai-pop group that is dominating the Thai pop music scene and gaining special attention in Latin America.

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